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When getting guinea pigs (or already owning them) you need to make sure you have the correct bedding so they don't get sick. So, here will be speaking about great beddings (and other substrates) that you can use for your guinea pigs, and beddings (or other substrates) that you cannot or should not use for your guinea pigs.


So, let's start with the unsafe beddings and/or substrates that you can't use for your piggies:

1) Cedar shavings, we here at GPG agree that you should never, under any circumstance, use cedar shavings (for ANY animal) it is very dangerous, the oils can cause problems with many things (such as liver problems and respatory problems)

2) News paper, yes it seems to be safe, but it shouldn't be used at all. You would need to clean the habitat frenquently, and it isn't very good for odor control, nor does it obsorb liquids well. The ink is also toxic and if your piggie(s) pee on news paper the ink will leak, a bigger chance of them getting sick or worse!

3) Corn Cob bedding, very bad and we highly suggest not using it at all! Corn cob bedding is very rough on guinea pigs feet, molds easily, and is very dangerous if eaten!! Please, do not use this bedding at all!

4) Straw, this bedding is unsafe for guinea pigs because of the follow reasons: can mold easily, can poke guinea pigs eye/s, and can cause injuries. Please do not use straw as a bedding, we highly do not suggest it!


Now that you know about the unsafe beddings/substrates, let's talk about the safe kind =)

1) Fleece, fleece is very safe for guinea pigs but would be needed cleaned more often. It is more cost offective than some beddings/substrates but it will do for your guinea pig and keep him healthy and happy :D

2) Aspen, aspen is another safe bedding for your guinea pig, and I believe one of the most common *safe* beddings for guinea pigs ^-^

3) Carefresh premium soft bedding is another one we suggest, it is safe, soft, absorbs well, works great for nesting and burrowing, and it provides warmth for sleeping, this is a great bedding to use for your guinea pigs :D


There are probably lots more safe/unsafe beddings out there, but right now that is all we can cover, we will update this as soon as possible, please consider your bedding carefully and please use the safe kind!




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