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When owning a guinea pig you want to make sure that you have the correct food amount, the right pellets, the right hay, and the right everything. Here we talk about what food is healthy and what is not ^-^

Food for your Piggie



Pellets are part of a guinea pigs diet, but there is a certain amount you need to feed them. But before you do feed them pellets make sure that you have healthy ones, their are very bad pellets out there and you want to make sure that you get the healthy and good kind.

The only pellets we suggest are; Oxbow and KMS Hayloft (<- Must be ordered online) Make sure that you only give your piggie

So make sure you don't get any bad pellets, there are many out there and you need to be careful, and remember if you did get the wrong kind that's okay, we all make mistakes :) 


Hay is a VERY important part of a guinea pig's diet, you must have unlimited since it is so important. (We at Guinea Pig Galore suggest Timothy hay) The only time we believe Alfalfa hay should be given is: For young piggies, pregnant piggies, or nursing pigges (since it is so high in calcium) the only other time for alfalfa hay to be used is as a treat! A good hay to use in a guinea pig's life would be timothy :) 


Like hay, guinea pigs need vegetables, it keeps them happy and healthy. But some vegetables are unsafe for piggies, so here is a list of vegetables we suggest:


1) Romain Lettuce (notice: ROMAIN lettus not just any lettuce)

2) Carrot

3) Bell pepper

4) Tomato

5) Red or Green pepper

6) Spinach 


Before giving your piggies their vegetables you need to do the following!

1) Rince off all vegetables

2) Make sure that you have one cup of vegetables

3) Put them in a bowl or plastic container (so they don't get contaminated)

4) Give them to your guinea pig 

And be sure that you give them safe vegetables and not unsafe ones.



Just like you and me, Guinea pigs need water to survive :) Your piggies should have access to water at any time and it should be changed daily. We highly do not suggest a water bowl, the reason being is because the guinea pigs have a way for dirtying it, tipping it over, or other things. So please use a water bottle (make sure it doesn't leak! When giving your guinea pig water, be sure to avoide distilled water and/or water high in minerals. 

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